Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment

At times, the Phase 2 Site Assessment (Environmental Site Assessment) may identify a concern or potential for concern for environmental impact to a property; in such cases a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (sub surface investigation, also referred to as Phase II or Phase Two) may be recommended.

Phase Ii Well
Phasse Ii Soil Sampling

Now stay ahead of environmental compliance with the right team. Hire us for phase 2 environmental assessment .

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Phase 2 Environmental Reports—Assess Contamination Risks Efficiently

The purpose of the Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment is to evaluate the recognized environmental conditions identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment by conducting sub surface sampling. The purpose is to determine if contamination exists and, to provide sufficient information regarding nature and extent of contamination, if indeed contamination is found. This information assists a prospective purchaser or owner in making informed business decisions about the property.

The data gathered during the Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment is sufficient to determine whether or not there has been a significant chemical release to the subsurface of the property in question.

As part of a Phase 2 Environmental investigation Andersen will:

  • Develop scope of work and methodology
  • Perform soil, groundwater, and/or vapor sampling, as necessary, to confirm or refute the existence of a suspect environmental hazard on the property
  • Installation of wells if necessary, for groundwater monitoring
  • Quantifying the extent, if any, of the environmental hazards
  • Work within local, State and Federal regulatory standards and guidelines
  • Interpret data and provide conclusions and recommendations
  • Reports are signed by a State Certified Professional Geologist (PG)
  • Develop a cost-effective remediation plan, if necessary
  • Correspond with regulatory agencies on behalf of the client

Types of investigation:

  • Dry cleaner investigation
  • Subsurface Soil Investigations
  • Groundwater Investigations
  • Service Station Investigations
  • Soil Gas/Vapor Investigations
  • Hydrogeologic Investigations
  • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) / Geophysical Survey
  • Monitoring Well Installation
  • Soil Boring Installations and Sampling
  • Contamination Assessment
  • Groundwater Modeling
  • Comprehensive Site Sampling Plans
  • Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Investigation
  • Leach field / Underground Well Sampling

Types of areas that are sampled:

  • Contents of tanks, drums, and sumps
  • Areas which have had, or are likely to have had, past spills
  • Liquid and sediment sampling in ponds, ditches, and streams
  • Soil vapor studies to screen for potential releases
  • Areas suspected of undocumented fill
  • Tank leakage testing

Our professional team is ready to help you gain environmental regulatory compliance, call us at 310-854-5453 or write to us at today.