Testing for Lead Schedule now

Lead was used as a pigment and drying agent in "alkyd" oil-based paint, as such "Latex" water-based paints generally have not contained lead.

Lead Abatement Warning Sign

“Most homes built before 1960 contain heavily leaded paint. Some homes built as recently as 1978 may also contain lead paint. This paint could be on window frames, walls, the outside of homes, or other surfaces.” (US EPA)

Consider lead testing the paint in homes constructed before the 1980s prior to renovating, or if painted surfaces or underlying surface are deteriorating. Lead Testing is particularly important if infants, children, or pregnant women are present.

Andersen professionals are trained and State certified in sampling, risk assessment, and inspection for hazards associated with the presence of Lead-Base Paint (LBP) as well as , lead containing lead based varnishes and ceramic. Andersen professionals use XRF technology to provide timely and accurate results.

Andersen Professionals are State certified:

  • Lead Inspector/Assessors
  • Lead Project Monitors
  • Lead sampling technitians

Health Risks Related to Lead

Lead-based paint is a major source of lead poisoning for children and can also affect adults. In children, lead poisoning can cause irreversible brain damage and can impair mental functioning. It can retard mental and physical development and reduce attention span. It can also retard fetal development, even at extremely low levels. In adults, lead can cause irritability, poor muscle coordination, and nerve damage to the sense organs and nerves controlling the body. Lead poisoning may also cause problems with reproduction (such as a decreased sperm count). Exposure to lead may also contribute to high blood pressure.

The eating of paint chips is one way young children are exposed to lead, as well people and animals are exposed to lead by ingesting and inhaling lead dust that is created as lead-based paint “chalks”, chips, or peels as a result of deteriorated surfaces. Lead dust can be created by opening and closing a painted frame window, walking on small paint chips found on the floor, sanding lead-based paint, scraping or heating lead-based paint, etc. Lead dust can settle on floors, walls, and furniture. Under these conditions, children can ingest lead dust from hand-to-mouth contact or in food. Settled lead dust can re-enter the air through cleaning, such as sweeping or vacuuming, or by movement of people throughout the house. If you have small children and lead based paint in your house, it is wise to have your children see a physician for a simple blood test to determine if they have elevated blood lead (EBL) levels.

Useful information regarding LBP and children can be found at:


To learn more about testing for lead today, call us at 310-854-5453.